photography news letter-1

As promised, I am posting the first news letter on photography, scheduled on my birthday- 25th July.

In this news letter,  I have written about:
  • ·         Latest camera news
  • ·         How I clicked this photo?- description
  • ·         A photo topic- travel photography part-1
  • ·         Some good photos from my camera

I am humbly requesting readers to   use the space provided for comments, to criticize, advice, add anything as opinion, guide me and suggest the contents of next news letter and anything else you want.

1] latest camera news:
Nikon  released mirror less camera 1-j5 
Nikon 1 -j5 review link.

2] How I clicked this photo?:
The  particulars  of exposure are give below:

  •  The aperture was kept at F-3.1.
  •  Focal length was 5 mm, that is 50 mm for 50 mm equivalent lens of film camera
  • Time of exposure was  – 1/140 sec. 
  • Multi pattern metering was used for measuring light.
  •  Flash was not used.
  • it was taken at about 11 AM 
  • It was a cloudy day.
If you want to clearly understand about the above particulars, then buy my e-book on " fundamentals of Photography" by clicking the following link:


3] A photo topic- Travel photography part-1:

It is a very big topic. We have to consider the equipment like camera, batteries, tripod, memory storage and display units and so on. If we travel quite a long distance and come back without good photos, we will be disappointed when we try to recollect our memory. A simple mobile camera will not be sufficient for this. Remember, I cannot complete this topic in this news letter only. So, I will continue in the next news letter.
  1. Many people say DSLR  is required, I differ in this and say that in mid range camera, you can do many things easier than DSLR.
  2. Never forget to carry a suitable tripod stand. It must be of good quality and must be rigid.
  3. Batteries are of different types. If it is NIMH pen torch cell type, carry them in good numbers and also, the chargers. If it is compact lithium-ion type, carry one more battery, in addition to the one in the camera.
  4. Plan the visiting places timings  to get the best photographs. In some places you may have to stay for a day to get good photographs.look at these two photos.
    The photo to the left is taken in the evening. It is just a branch of a tree, giving a feeling of an animal in silhouette effect.
The same object is taken in the morning, from the same location with same camera setting. look at the difference!
So, we may have to stay for more than a day or two in some places to get the  desired effect.

4] Some good photos from my camera:

Please give your comments. Thank you
