1. Quality.
It is actually quality and not the number of posts that are important in a blog. But very less quantity is also bad. We have to write quality posts only. It is important to write lengthy quality posts rather than very large numbers of small posts. Each quality post will add traffic to the blog. That means instead of writing a hundred posts of saying some hundred words each, it is better to write one post of some 600 to 800 words.
2. Consistency.
The next important point is consistency, which many of the bloggers have already emphasized. Consistency means frequency concerning time. But generally, if you are simply posting one post in one month and doing it every month, it is very little compared to the normal trend of today. Therefore, normally every day we have to post at least one good post which means 30 in a month or at least 25 in a month. A very less number of posts will not attract traffic.
3. Adding pictures.
The third important point is adding pictures to every blog post. We all know that one picture is equal to 10,000 words. But unfortunately, many bloggers are not inserting pictures at all. They will simply write many posts having no pictures. If posts are not having any pictures, you can as well make it as a podcast. The main importance of writing a post is to insert pictures so that it will be self-explanatory. It will be avoiding too many words of explanation.
Look at this picture of a rose. Even though we say that a picture is worth 10,000 words, we can’t explain the beauty of a flower even with 10,000 words. Therefore for many types of illustrations pictures are a must
4. Topic selection.
The fourth important point is to analyze the number of views for each type of post. I will also tell you to stick to a particular topic, but then if you are narrowing your topic too much, the viewers will be obviously less. As an example, a topic like gardening is very good but if you stick to a very small topic in that one like growing mango tree, then such a narrowing of a topic leads to very less number of views. This is because there will be very few people who are interested in knowing the method of growing the mango tree. But if it is a broader topic like gardening then obviously there will be many interested people and therefore the traffic is likely to be more.
5. Unique style.
The best thing is to write your own experience rather than material taken from other blogs. The material references or free pictures may be taken from somewhere but not the content itself. Even if you are interested in particular content and want to write about that particular topic that appears somewhere else, it is the best practice to rewrite it in your own way because almost every topic is already written every reference is already there. The viewers will be looking for uniqueness or something special in your writing. If such a thing is not there, then there cannot be any traffic at all for your posts.
6. Categories
If you are interested in many topics like photography, gardening, and so on, then you have to write different blogs or different pages or categories in the same blog. The people who want to read one particular topic like photography will see only in that category and other people who want gardening, will read in that particular category. If you are simply irregularly mixing different types of posts, then it will be irritating for the people and they are likely to unsubscribe.
7. Analyze the views.
Once in a month analyze your blog. That means, just take the number of views of each post then the comments for each post which will give you a clear idea of which particular style or type of the post that people are reading and liking.
Then on, you can concentrate or improvise depending upon the comments and views, so that more and more people will subscribe to the blog and start viewing.
8. Read famous posts of others.
Read many posts written by famous bloggers. Try to analyze why people are viewing their posts so much. You will come up with an idea to write your own post in a particular way. But never simply copy the style of some other person. You write it in your own way. This will be a continuous process because the trends will be changing with time.
9. Write comments to almost all the good posts you read.
Write your comments on every good post that you are going to read. Those comments will also receive further comments and other things and also many readers will see your comments subscribe to your blog and start reading your posts. Write comments in a detailed fashion and not just a line of comments like a good post. Writing a comment itself should be nearly 20 to 30% of your total work of writing.
10. Sharing in social media.
Once you write the post, share it on every social media with your friends and so on. You also keep very important sharing buttons in every post so that those who want to share it with their friends after reading your blog can share it very easily. This will indirectly increase the travel traffic of the post.
One of the very important things is that number of views cannot be simply increased within a day or two. Even if you are doing all the above 10 points, you have to wait at least 3 to 4 months. Then only you can analyze whether what you are doing is good or bad. If you are not getting good results, then change your approach, by graphical analysis of the number of views in each month for each post. This will have to be repeated continuously till you get very huge traffic.
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